Android studio icon download
Android studio icon download

android studio icon download android studio icon download

There are a couple of different icon types we can choose from here, but the one we're interested in is the Launcher Icons. Let's right click on the res directory and choose New and Image Asset. In order to replace these with our own custom app icon, we can use a tool that's built into Android Studio.

android studio icon download

Inside it, you'll find a bunch of ic_launcher files, which are used as the app icon. When we open our project in Android Studio and explore the file structure, we will find a res or resources directory. We can see that it currently doesn't have an app icon, or rather, it's still using the default Android app icon you would get when you create a new React Native project using the React Native CLI. Kadi Kraman: Here is a weather app that shows the current weather in London.

Android studio icon download